• president@crimencorruptioncontrol.in
  • Helpline no:+91 8286531418.


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1) New Member Joining Membership Fees for one year is Rs. 5000
2) Renewal of Membership Fees for one year is Rs. 1500
3) If anyone is demanding excess amount above this membership
     fees kindly inform National Chief Immediately

All Over India Offices 

Helpline no: 
+91 8286531418

Mr. Dinesh Gupta
National Chief
+91 8286531418

Crime and corruption control association is providing the most powerful platform for common masses to register their complaints against Crime and Corruption/ bribe, with the help of right minded and honest persons from society and also with the help of some honest officials of various departments and the media.Our joint efforts may bring some fruitful result in curbing this evil which is eating out our social fabric gradually like an insect.
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    +91 7669062748

We are working for following fields

For revealing the functional irregularities or corruption in Government departments. Take urgent step and investigation for bonded labor, child labor, Custodial encounter death, consumer related issues , police Atrocities, rape, sexual harassment. To protection of human rights, right of the dalit, women and Disadvantaged section of the society. To help local, national and even international law enforcements Officials in their constant effort to curtail the activities of crime Syndicate, rackets, organized gangs, smugglers law braking in general. To give secret information about fake currency, narcotics, drugs, Illegal weapons, smugglers, crime syndicate, terrorists to related Govt. Departments, ministries, investigation departments for make our Country care free and safe.

We are working for following fields

For revealing the functional irregularities or corruption in Government departments. Take urgent step and investigation for bonded labor, child labor, Custodial encounter death, consumer related issues , police Atrocities, rape, sexual harassment. To protection of human rights, right of the dalit, women and Disadvantaged section of the society. To help local, national and even international law enforcements Officials in their constant effort to curtail the activities of crime Syndicate, rackets, organized gangs, smugglers law braking in general. To give secret information about fake currency, narcotics, drugs, Illegal weapons, smugglers, crime syndicate, terrorists to related Govt. Departments, ministries, investigation departments for make our Country care free and safe.

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